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Home Fitness


Based on a 205 pound / 93 kg

Fitness: List



  • 931 Calories burnt per hour swimming crawl at a fast rate

  • 651 Calories burnt per hour swimming crawl at a slow rate 

  • Low impact and kind to the joints.

  • Increased lung capacity

  • 546 Calories per hour at a light pace 

  • 651 Calories per hour at a moderate pace

  • 791 Calories per hour at a vigorous pace

No 5 Calorie Burner


  • 515 Calories burnt per hour walking and pulling their clubs on a trolley

  • This is a great way to get fresh air

  • Make new friends

No 7 Calorie Burner


  • 400 Calories burnt per hour at a normal level of tennis

  • Great way to get your competitive hormones going !

  • Slighter higher impact so be careful out there on the court.

No 9 Calorie Burner


  • 286 Calories burnt per hour at 2.5mph

  • 333 Calories burnt per hour at 3mph

  • 410 Calories burnt per hour at 3.5mph

  • 476 Calories per hour at 4mph

  • Low impact

  • Great way to see your local area

  • Can do this anytime / anywhere

  • Just need good shoes !

Mature Male Friends Socializing In Backy

Body types

Fitness: Welcome
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The views and materials expressed in this website, whilst being well researched, are only the views of the site designers. We are not qualified medical practitioners, councillors or nutritionalists and therefore people should seek their own individual independent specialist advice as soon as possible with anything that concerns them. The links that have been provided on this site are publicly available to health bodies and other web sites that provide free advice. 

PS. We do not wish to offend anyone or anybody, by any of the suggestions made on the site. If you feel offended by any stereotyping, please don't be, this wasn't our intention.


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