Based on a 205Â pound / 93 kg
755 Calories burnt per hour at 5 mph
1084 Calories burnt per hour at 8 mph
Be careful due to its high impact nature. It is tough on the knees, hips and lower back.
Make sure your shoes are in good condition and not worn out.
900 Calories burnt per hour at 15mph
1080 Calories burnt per hour at 18mph
Low impact
Lots of cycle clubs to get involved with at the weekends, so social.
931 Calories burnt per hour swimming crawl at a fast rate
651 Calories burnt per hour swimming crawl at a slow rate
Low impact and kind to the joints.
Increased lung capacity
546 Calories per hour at a light pace
651 Calories per hour at a moderate pace
791 Calories per hour at a vigorous pace
Some machines have a virtual element to motivate you against others
No 5 Calorie Burner
515 Calories burnt per hour walking and pulling their clubs on a trolley
This is a great way to get fresh air
Make new friends
400 calories per hour bunt
800 calories per hour if you do a high intensity circuit
Weights is a great exercise to do at least twice a week, you burn calories and build muscle.
As you grow older you start losing muscle tone so its important, to balance this out
No 7 Calorie Burner
400 Calories burnt per hour at a normal level of tennis
Great way to get your competitive hormones going !
Slighter higher impact so be careful out there on the court.
No 8 Calorie Burner
350 Calories burn per hour Pilates
200 Calories per hour normal yoga
500 Calories per hour hot yoga